Burdock Group’s IFT 2019 Student Travel Award applications are open to qualified full-time graduate and undergraduate students attending IFT19 in New Orleans, Louisiana. The student travel award is designed to finance travel expenses to IFT19 and encourage student excellence in areas of ingredient toxicology, safety and regulations. One student will be presented an award for the Toxicology and Safety Evaluation Division (TASED) and another for the Food Laws and Regulations Division (FLRD).
$1,000 per student to cover meeting expenses not met by other funding or travel awards.
An engraved plaque commemorating the event.
Casarett & Doull’s Toxicology: The Basic Science of Poisons, 9th Edition textbook.
A ticket to the Food Laws & Regulations and Toxicology & Safety Evaluation and Quality Assurance Divisions event, where the awards will be presented.
Submission documents to include:
A brief essay describing student’s interest in toxicology and the safety evaluation of food or regulations as appropriate (approximately 250 words).
A letter from a faculty member indicating that the student has taken or will be taken courses having to do with food safety or food science (and not possessing another doctoral level degree). Post-doctoral trainees are not eligible, nor are previous awardees.
Proof of full-time graduate or undergraduate status (scanned copy of student ID is suffient).
Attendance at IFT19 Annual Meeting required (IFT membership is not required) to accept the award in person.
Student grants permission for his/her image to appear in the Burdock Group newsletter and/or marketing materials.
Submit applications to: Kathrine Adams, kadams@burdockgroup.com
DEADLINE: Monday, May 06, 2019